“Nattalia is a rockstar!”


Nattalia is a rockstar! She helped me have an amazing birthing experience and completely supported all my decisions. I would absolutely use her again!


“Nattalia's knowledge about child birth, couples support and yoga/meditation made our birth story so positive and amazing”


When we first learned of my pregnancy, I was a world away from knowing where to start when it came to mid-wives, doulas, doctors, appointments, etc. So I started to talk to my friends who had recently had babies to find out what they had done for support during the pregnancy, labour, delivery and postpartum. My one friend, mentioned that she had met Nattalia at her hypnobirthing classes and that she was awesome. I first asked, what the heck does a doula do and what the heck is hypnobirthing! Well to my surprise and absolute pleasure, she explained that a doula is the parents support system and manager for the day of birth!

Skip ahead to our first session with Nattalia and how we found her to be so comfortable to be around, calm and supportive. By our second session, I turned to my husband and said "I got this." I was not afraid of labour or birth, now that I knew Nattalia was going to be there to help both myself and my husband through the experience. Nattalia's knowledge about child birth, couples support and yoga/meditation made our birth story so positive and amazing. Not only was her support and calmness amazing during the birth, it continued postpartum with her care and love. We are so thankful to have met and had our experience with Nattalia.

Tricia, Michael and Sullivan

“Her comforting presence and calmness washed over me. She provided me the tools and that sense of empowerment that "I can do this!"”


I'll be honest. I had a lot of anxiety about the whole birthing process. Most of my "experience" at that point had been from what my mom had shared and the stuff you see in movies and sitcoms. After getting pregnant, I felt this impending doom of "how am I supposed to get this baby out/this is going to be impossible" and that feeling of "I'm going to die from the pain of all this, there is no way I can do this". Going in with the mindset that I needed all the interventions possible (give me the strongest epidural ever along with laughing gas and a whack load of morphine please!), I gradually changed my mind over the course of various meetings with Nattalia (and also with the help of signing up with an amazing midwifery team). The first time we met her, I knew she was "the one". Her comforting presence and calmness washed over me. She provided me the tools and that sense of empowerment that "I can do this!" and "fear itself just compounds the problem and adds to the pain". I learned so much from her during our prenatal meetings and was able to work through my fear and anxiety. I was able to have her assist me from the moment my water broke to working through the labor at the hospital. We really couldn't have asked for a better person to be in the delivery room with us. From working through the breath, repositioning, hydrating me, to even helping me in the bathroom, Nattalia was there through it all and I was able to have the natural birth that I wanted! After delivery, she even offered to not only get food for me but for my husband! She took care of both of us ever so well. Post partum, we had a lot of help from her (especially with breastfeeding as I had a rough start) and she taught me how to safely co-sleep with my baby so I could get some rest in there. I highly recommend Nattalia to anyone who needs that extra support and love during this vulnerable time.

Priscilla and Jeff

“we felt well supported during a very unique but intense life experience!”


Nattalia was personally referred to me

She was most helpful during labour as well as during birth. There were moments when my partner and I didn't know what to do and Nattalia was available 24-7 to provide suggestions, guidance, advice and comfort.

We felt well supported during a very unique but intense life experience.

We loved best that she assisted in any way we asked, whether it was labour support, emotional support, help with breastfeeding and even post-natal baby care.

I found that the tips she provided were very helpful and have translated into a happier baby. Every time I interacted with Nattalia, I felt more confident afterwards.

I would recommend her if you are seeking additional support from a knowledgeable, highly experienced source pre-nataly, during labour & delivery and post-nataly.

Thanks Nattalia, you were fantastic!


“Her vast wealth of knowledge and experience and her calm and serene presence were so invaluable”


I didn't originally intend to have a doula but my midwife suggested I reconsider and look into it more. She recommended Nattalia to me, who she had worked with during several previous births. We met with Nattalia and hired her right away. Her vast wealth of knowledge and experience and her calm and serene presence were so invaluable. I had quite a short and peaceful labour and delivery, free of complications, and I believe it's due in big part to Nattalia's presence and also the sessions we did with her beforehand to prepare us. I would definitely work with Nattalia again for my next baby!

Shannon Cassidy

“She is genuine, non judgemental, super reliable, and has a calming energy you will see as soon as you meet her”


This was our second baby, and we chose Nattalia as our doula after meeting with several others. Her warmth and kindness was immediate. She met with us before, during and after the birth of our son and to be perfectly honest, felt like a family member to us. She is genuine, non judgemental, super reliable, and has a calming energy you will see as soon as you meet her. She guided us through our birth preferences and I was able to not only have the "quick" labour everyone talks about when having a second baby, but still feel good about all the choices I made along the way, with her and my husband by my side. Thank you Nattalia.

Amber Piedra

“Nattalia provided phenomenal support and presence during our birth”


"We met Nattalia for the first time months ago when we decided to engage a Doula for our child's birth. We had no idea what to expect or what we might receive from the service. Nattalia provided phenomenal support and presence during our birth. In all of her interactions with us, she brought kindness, love, professionalism, sincerity, and knowledge in supporting us through our first birth. Nattalia provided unrelenting emotional and physical support to my wife, Alana, throughout her entire labour. She empowered my wife through expert touch, words of encouragement, and spiritual teachings. She cooked, cleaned, and assisted our midwives with great grace and humility. We were blessed to birth our first born child exactly as we had hoped - in our home as a water birth, with no complications. I am convinced that, without Nattalia's role, we would not have had the 'dream birth' experience that was so very important and special for us. Thank you, Nattalia, for the beautiful contribution you've made to our lives as we grow our small family, no amount of praise can put words to how important and special your role was in the birth of our beautiful first-born boy." Travis (on behalf of Travis & Alana)

Alana and Travis Moir

“"I was searching for that perfect doula.....I had that perfect feeling when I spoke to her"”


First of all, if you are still deciding about hiring Nattalia, I would say PLEASE DO YOURSELF A FAVOR AND HAVE HER AT YOUR BIRTH!! We were very anxious about this birth as it was our first time, we did a lot of research and took different kinds of prenatal classes to inform ourselves but still couldn't help with this nervousness and anxiousness. We ended up deciding to go with a midwife team and Nattalia as a doula and gave birth at the hospital. Our decision on epidural was well respected just in case that is part of your birth plan! I remember when we had the first initial phone call when I was searching for that perfect doula. Not going to lie, Nattalia's service was the most expensive of all but honestly I had that perfect feeling when I spoke to her and none of other doulas gave me that feeling. I slept over this for a few days and decided to go with her finally. Nattalia was super flexible with her service package as my husband and I knew we would want more help in postpartum than prenatal. It is very difficult to be aware of everything what's going on around you when you are going through contractions, I remember Nattalia being there for me from 0 to 10 and helping my husband what to do and making him feel at ease as well. Getting out of the bathtub to my bedroom with her, Nattalia helping me putting pants on to go to the hospital, helping me with massages even when we were in the car, lightening up candles when I got to the bathtub at the hospital, breathing with me from the beginning til the end (literally from 12am to 1pm), and her warm visits during postpartum where I needed her the most. Her knowledge on postpartum relationship, breastfeeding, etc are all so wonderful! I wanted someone professional to be on my side rather than my own mother because I felt like I would feel whiny and emotionally get weaker if she was there. Having Nattalia at our first daughter's birth was both hands down the best decision we've ever made! One more note I want to share... My birthing experience was beyond my expectation (in a good way). There are so many scary stories on internet and through medias (trust me, I didn't call my midwife and Nattalia until I was 4cm dilated because so I read so many horror stories about the pain and didn't think I would be that far along!) but honestly I learned that our body is capable of this and built to do this (I feel like I could have done this without epidural to be honest...) Good luck to you future mamas! <3 My husband, I and baby Iris want to say THANK YOU to Nattalia!

Jiyun Soon

“We choose Nattalia for her beautiful soul, her experience and wide knowledge about birth, her open mind and open heart, her joy, her kindness, her professionalism, her spiritual vision of birth and the different services she offers.”


I initially contacted Nattalia based on the information available on her website. I remember that feeling of peace and interest that I got while reading her vision of birth. I told myself right away that I had to meet up with her and I prayed that she would be free to support us for the birth of our daughter in about 1 month! When she came at home to introduce her and her services, I knew it would be her, our guide who would help us to welcome our baby in a natural and spiritual way. When she left, my husband looked at me and said "you don't need to say anything. I can see in your eyes and I can feel that you already decided it will be her." Yes”, no need to talk. We choose Nattalia for her beautiful soul, her experience and wide knowledge about birth, her open mind and open heart, her joy, her kindness, her professionalism, her spiritual vision of birth and the different services she offers. It was my first pregnancy and I wanted the best to prepare myself to birth our daughter without any medication. We loved all the information Nattalia provided us about breathing, yoga poses, mantra, visualisation etc. We also loved the fact that we had more than 2 pre-labor appointments with her. It was perfect to better know each other in preparation of this very intimate experience that is labor! Nattalia was able to find the right words, she had the right tone in her voice to support us during the preparation and during my labor. During my labor she was such a kind and knowledgeable actor. She also did perfectly well by involving my husband, guiding him during the preparation and during labor to show him how to be 100% present to the delivery. She encouraged me during the high frequency of the waves of labor, she helped me to find the right positions to relieve the pain and to remain calm and trustful. Thanks to Nattallia I was able to birth our daughter with no medical intervention. We were at home and when the midwife came to check me, I was already 10 cm dilated! I had the choice to stay home or to go to the hospital as planned. I decided to go to the hospital and Nattalia was with us in our car, supporting me. Another thing that I loved with Nattalia, it's her intelligence of the heart. She adapts herself to her clients, to what they need, to what the birthing mother needs. She knows when to be active or when to back up and to gently help the dad to find his spot in the situation. Nattalia was the perfect guide and presence during my delivery. She kept encouraging me by her words, her gentle touches on my forehead, my arms, to show that she is here too. Thanks to her we had beautiful pictures and recording of our daughter at the very first minutes of her life out of me. Following the delivery, I had to deal with a retained placenta. While my husband was with the baby, Nattalia was the only one coming to check on me and supporting me. The postpartum add-ons are wonderful to soothe your mind and to offer to your body the cares that it deserves after this wonderful work it did! I highly recommend Nattalia as a doula. She was perfect and way more to us. She is a beautiful soul in the perfect role. From the bottom of our heart, thank you Nattalia for all you did and for your great support to us and to our daughter!

Cynthia Desprez

“I would not have had the positive birthing experience I did without her support and upfront practice in breath work and meditation”


Nattalia has been an incredible source of strength and guidance throughout my pregnancy, labour and delivery and continues to offer value and support postpartum. I can say with complete certainty that I would not have had the positive birthing experience I did without her support and upfront practice in breath work and meditation.

The tools that Nattalia presented to help prepare my husband and I for the labour and delivery were incredibly valuable. She is very skilled in navigating the hospital’s protocol and made sure to educate us on the decision-making that may occurs throughout the labour and delivery. We were faced with a number of decisions throughout; the preparation gave us confidence and helped us stay true to the birth experience that we were working to create for our baby.

Lindsay, Ian, Jack...and Chip!

“It’s very evident that she comes into people’s lives with her whole heart”


I decided about halfway through Ina May’s ‘Guide to Childbirth’ that I wanted to have the support of a birth doula. I was in my 32nd week of pregnancy when I met Nattalia. After interviewing a few other doulas my husband and I both felt an instant connection. She gave me the tools and knowledge to start thinking about the gentle positive birth experience that I wanted to bring my baby into the world. At nearly 42 weeks a few tears and many conversations with Nattalia I was induced. All my plans went out the window. I was so grateful to have Nattalia’s calming presence and her experience while having to make decisions in the heat of the moment while labouring. It’s very evident that she comes into people’s lives with her whole heart. She was such great support for my husband, teaching him the best ways to get me though the peaks of my contractions and able to give him breaks that he otherwise wouldn't have taken because he was so invested and worried about me. Not only did she get me through my long labour, she stayed in to the wee hours of the night after my emergency c section until I went into recovery and then my own room and welcomed our beautiful baby boy into the world. The postpartum support was also something I couldn’t have done without, she was able to reassure me that I was getting the hang of things. Through my breastfeeding struggles, sleepless nights and our scare that sent us to children’s she was there for us 24 hours a day. I can’t recommend her enough if your even considering having the support of a doula. Nattalia very quickly felt like she became a part of our family and I miss her, I try to see her every chance I get!

Sara Corbeil

“Her soups were delicious and her Thai Massage was AMAZING!!! ”


I LOVED working with Nattalia because she was 100% there for me every step of my pregnancy. Her breathing and meditation sessions were wonderful breaks during busy weeks leading up to our first child. She helped my husband and I work together to have as natural of a delivery as possible after having to get induced early. Her ability to be caring and compassionate with me during the most intense and vulnerable time in my life was incredible. I would (and have) referred others to Nattalia because she offers a wonderful, holistic approach to pregnancy, labour, delivery and postpartum. Her soups were delicious and her Thai Massage was AMAZING!!!


“Nattalia was able to meet me in the place beyond words and be so deeply in tune with the dance of my body and my being”


Inviting Nattalia to be a part of my birth is a decision that I am humbly grateful for almost every day. Nattalia simply radiates Love. Her suggestions and resources from our pre-birth meetings helped me to approach this life-changing event with awareness and intention and create for it a worthy container in my consciousness. She brought an energy to my birthing space that was calm, gentle and nurturing while at the same time strong, firm, and grounded. Nattalia was able to meet me in the place beyond words and be so deeply in tune with the dance of my body and my being. Her wise presence allowed me to surrender completely to the spirit journey of birthing, trusting that she would keep me tethered to the earth, staying by my side and providing both physical comfort and emotional safety. Nattalia helped me to birth so much more than my baby boy - she helped me to birth my motherhood and find a place deep within of trusting that I would know what to do. She helped me to birth new depths of my womanhood, a strength and courage and clarity I hadn't known before. I am indebted to Nattalia and her many gifts for being my guide through such a transformative birthing experience - I cannot recommend her highly enough.

Carrie, Pat, and Jonathan

“I brought my baby boy into this world the way I envisioned it”


Our dear Doula,

You have found a very special place in our hearts, and that’s where you will stay. Thank you for everything you did to help us prepare for the birth of our second, perfect little boy. You coached my husband on ways he could be closer and more in touch with me in the weeks leading up to, and during the birth. You even helped normalize some of the tensions present in our home by helping us to laugh together. This was especially helpful for our two year old son who, after one of your visits, insisted on running around with a basketball under his shirt! I loved how you emphasized breathing and touch, two things that I hadn’t fully learned with my first son. These two things carried me through a very quick and intense labor experience where, without your reassuring lessons, I’m sure I would have panicked. Instead, I brought my baby boy into this world the way I envisioned it, with calmness and, clarity. Your gentle, yet confident approach was a perfect match for our little family. Thank you!! Always and ever, thank you!

Melisa and John Crandlemire

“You just felt like a member of our family.”


The meetings leading up to the birth were really helpful. Practicing different coping strategies and birthing positions helped us to feel more prepared. Even though our birth didn't go as planned, when I was in the most pain I was able to connect with Justin through breath and eye contact which really helped. I don't think him and I would have thought to do that without the practice. It was also so nice to have someone to go through the process with that was knowledgable as this was all new for Justin and I. Being able to call you and have your support right from my water breaking all the way through was amazing. You never made us feel like we hired you because every second you were with us you were so present and invested. You just felt like a member of our family.

Meghan and Justin

“Natalia is warm, confident and dedicated to her clients”


Nattalia came highly recommended by my Naturopath and we were incredibly lucky to get her for our firstborn. I had an extremely long labor and she exceeded all our expectations.

Natalia is warm, confident and dedicated to her clients. She's extremely informative and knowledgeable in both birth and postpartum and with her help, I was able to ease my fear and nerves of birth.

We had a wonderful experience with Nattalia and I highly recommend her to anyone.

Kasumi and Bobby